
β€œThe price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
— Henry David Thoreau

specialty consultation for trauma and anxiety-related disorders in children and adults

90 minute initial assessment - $800. Includes initial consultation, gathering of historical details, phone calls to collateral sources, medication and diagnostic assessment, and written assessment with recommendations (completed within 14-21 days of appointment. 

30-45 minute follow-up assessment (optional) - $400. Includes second assessment of patient, discussion of treatment recommendations, and updates to written recommendations, if indicated. 


60 minute comprehensive psychiatric assessment - $400. Includes history-taking, basic assessment of current medications, and preliminary assessment of psychiatric needs.

medications and therapy

25 minute medication appointment - $200. This appointment type covers primarily a medication discussion with recommendations and prescribing. It is only available to patients who are currently receiving individual therapy and who provide written consent for two-way communication with the therapist.  Average frequency - once a month.

individual therapy

45 minute individual therapy - $400. Specialized therapy such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Christian counseling. Only available for patients aged 18+.


academic and training lectures

Lectures, seminars, or workshops - $500/hr. Includes training for mental health professionals on psychiatric medications and psychiatric diagnosis.

community lectures

Lectures or workshops - $500/hr. Includes education for non-mental health professionals who are interested in learning more about recognizing psychiatric symptoms, as well as the role of psychiatric medications.   

educational materials

Newspaper or Magazine Articles. Includes custom written articles providing education on psychiatric diagnosis and medications for local magazines or community newspapers.

educational interviews

Radio or Television. Includes interviews on radio or television geared to provide education to the community about mental health management.